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How Do I Introduce My Children to Martial Arts?

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Whether you have a black belt in a martial art, or you’ve never stepped foot in a dojo before, you might not be sure how to introduce your child to martial arts. Kids martial arts might seem a little intimidating for parents. It’s hard to imagine a young child leaping and kicking in the air. But, martial arts of all kinds are safe and enriching for children as young as four. It’s all about how you introduce your child to your chosen martial art.

When to Introduce a Child to Martial Arts?

We offer Little Dragons classes for children as young as four. We find that four-year-olds are excited to learn to move in new ways, and old enough to listen and follow some instructions. However, you know your child best. If you think your child isn’t ready for martial arts yet, there’s no harm in waiting. But, remember that martial arts can help with many of the issues that might make you want to wait, including respect, discipline, coordination and listening skills.

How to Prepare Your Child for Martial Arts

Kids may get specific impressions about karate and other martial arts from the media they consume. It’s great to let their imagination run wild about what it would be like to be a ninja, but you might want to prepare your child before the class that learning big kicks or other cool moves takes a lot of time and practice. They can learn to do it; they just need to start small.

How to Keep Martial Arts Fun

Most children love martial arts and our instructors are well-trained to present the right level of challenge to a child based on their capabilities. This helps keep martial arts fun. Still, sometimes kids will hit roadblocks, feel like something is too hard, or just frustrated when a movement doesn’t come easily to them. Our instructors will support them and focus on the value of hard work. You can do it too by encouraging them to stick with it through tough patches and by complimenting them on the progress they make without comparing it to their classmate’s.

Try Karate Classes for Kids

Dragon Taekwondo offers Little Dragons classes for young kids to start taekwondo in Milton and Oakville. We think this is the ideal martial art for very young children. We offer the supportive environment they need to learn and have fun. Contact us to learn more! Call (647) 905-5886 for the Milton location or (647) 370-9759 for the Oakville location.