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After school programs

Empowering Children with After-School Martial Arts Programs

No parent wants to think about situations where their child needs to defend themselves physically. However, with the threat of bullying at school and dangers outside of school, it is vitally important that your child knows self-defense skills. A Taekwondo after-school program can help with that. Numerous parents turn to martial arts for their children to learn self-defense. Find out how after-school martial arts can help your child feel confident about standing up for themselves, if necessary. Martial Arts After-School Programs Teach Core Self-Defense Skills Though martial arts are much more than just fighting techniques, defensive training is a core facet of this discipline. After-school martial arts near me will teach your children how to punch and kick effectively, as well as the correct forms to maximize impact while minimizing risk to themselves. Children also learn to become aware of their surroundings and how to avoid danger. Again, the goal of martial arts after-school programs is not to encourage children to become physical but rather to understand unsafe situations and prepare for confrontation. The best self-defense strategy is to avoid conflict when possible. Classes also teach children how to make use of their voice. They learn to communicate assertively, verbal self-defense

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